Sunday 29 April 2018


You can click on the following images from KARATE AKTUELL. The publication features an advertisement for my upcoming seminars in Halle, Germany (on June 30th/July 1st, 2018).

Apparently there are only a few places left, so if you have not registered yet, and intend to go, good luck!!

This weekend course is Part Two of my seminars last year, which was held in Krefeld, Germany. Actually, I am very excited to present the content of this years seminar, as it will unveil previously untaught aspects.

For those attending, do not forget your notebooks!!! Unlike most seminars, it is going to be a weekend of karate that will immediately, and in the long-term, revolutionize your technical skill and application: if Shotokan as 'pure budo/martial arts' is your aim.

For a taste of this way of Karate, here is a link to my official YouTube Channel:

Best wishes from Oita City, Japan.
André Bertel

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2018).

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